Release Note

Admin Account Creation Reminders

Read Time: 5 minutes Published: August 1, 2024

What’s New?

We are excited to introduce a new feature aimed at ensuring administrators on Electric’s IT Hub never miss the opportunity to create their accounts. With this release, admins will receive timely reminders until they successfully create their accounts.

Key Features:

  • Automated Reminder System: Administrators who haven’t yet created their accounts will receive reminder emails every 3 days until the 15-day mark is reached.
  • Persistent Engagement: The reminder system ensures that admins stay engaged with IT Hub and don’t miss out on the benefits of their admin privileges.
  • User-Friendly Experience: The reminders are designed to be helpful and unobtrusive, gently nudging admins to take action without inundating them with unnecessary communication.

How IT Works:

  • Initial Reminder: Administrators who have not created their accounts will receive an email reminder after 3 days of inactivity.
  • Subsequent Reminders: Reminders will continue to be sent every 3 days until the 15-day mark is reached, totaling 5 reminders.
  • Cessation of Reminders: Once 15 days have passed (after 5 reminders), further reminder emails will not be sent to the administrator.